Our Lady asked for prayer, sacrifice, and penance for the healing of the Church.
At a time in history when our Church is undergoing immense sickness and is in need of much restoration, Our Lady Maria, Rosa Mystica is making a timely appearance. In just a short amount of time the Vatican has taken major steps toward her cause. Last year, her shrine was officially recognized, there has been a priest assigned there permanently, and the cause for canonization is opened up for the visionary, Pierina. With awareness of her becoming more and more recognized, our commission in restoring the Bride of Christ - the Church is more needed than ever before. We are called to spread this teaching and knowledge of Maria Rosa Mystica throughout the Church and the world. Through the gifts of the Holy Spirit, we will assist those in need of physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. Our Lady, Rosa Mystica leads us to the foundational truth of our Catholic faith, which is the sacraments; the sacraments lead us to total healing.
This is a painting in Pierina Gilli's private chapel.